Customer Testimonials

“I had some sort of an Electrical Surge in my home at 10:00 at night. I called Academy Electric and within an hour and a half they were at my home. Chris diagnosed the situation, told me the problem, and after agreeing to the repair had my situation fixed and done within an hour.

Not only was I very impressed with the time it took to respond to my initial call but the service was exceptional. Chris was very professional, clean, and even more important my wife was thrilled that the AC was working again as well. She didn’t care about the lights but the AC was most important. LOL…Thanks Chris and Academy Electric” – Matt Wahnon, Margate FL.

“Our store had some issues with our fluorescent lights in the ceiling. They were always blowing out and when we would repair them it wasn’t long before I had to replace again. I called Academy Electric and scheduled them to come take a look at the ceiling lights for a couple days later.

Kase Andrews and his assistant Shawn came to my store and before they started repairing all the ballast that were bad and replacing the bulbs Kase explained to me an alternative way to not only fixing the problem but eliminating the problem in the future. I agreed and they rewired some fixtures, put in some new lighting, and wound up saving me hundreds of dollars initially and aggravation from the same problem happening in the future. My store looks better, more modern, and I no longer have the same recurring issue over and over.

I have recommended to my Friends Academy electric over and over and I will continue to do so. Thanks” – John Klad, Boca Raton, FL.

“I want to thank you for coming out as quickly as you did. My brother in law said to call and I am glad he did. You saved me from what could have been a mess. I know it was a small job, but you still came quickly and fixed the damage.

All the best…” – Cathy Markenson, Ft. lauderdale, FL

“I have been using the same contractor for many years. Unfortunately, they were unable to help when I needed them. I am happy to say we have found another company to use when in need.” – Bryan St.George, Pompano Beach, FL

“Thank you, Chris for being so helpful and finally getting my barn done. I had planned on doing it myself but I had so many issues with the permits it was taking forever. You came in and took the headache away.Thank you, again!” – Carolyn Sakolski, Boynton Beach, FL